The square shape of the Mazatenango huipil’s neckline represents the four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west) that are important in Mayan celebrations. White is chosen to represent purity; purple, the balance in life; stripes represent the journey of life for the Maya. A single column of embroidered clay jars is included because drawing water from nearby rivers was a big part of the indigenous Maya’s daily routine, both social and cultural. A dance was developed around the water collection process, during which a clay jar is broken.
Located in the department of Suchitepéquez, the name Mazatenango is derived from the Spanish words “mazatl” (deer) and “tenango” (place). Its lower elevation means a warmer climate for its inhabitants, and the reason for a lighter cotton fabric used for the huipil. In fact, huipiles in this region are very rare because of the climate. Mazatenango is a major producer of tile, fabric, and furniture; farmers commonly cultivate sugarcane. In February, the city comes alive for an eight-day Carnival with food, music, parades, and games.
*Please note: this is a pre-order. Mazatenango Huipil will be delivered in 1.5 months after confirming your order.
Handmade in Sololá by Santos.
Measurements: 28" W, 20" H when folded. It has open sides.
Material: 100% cotton.

ENGLISH: Santos only had the chance to complete one year of formal education before going to work. Together with her grandmother and sisters, Santos made and sold all kinds of colorful traditional textiles. At 18, she married a man who turned out to be abusive. After eight years, she left her abuser and returned home, eager to develop her business. She taught herself to weave using a floor loom, traditionally used by men. Though she lacks the ability to read, write, or speak Spanish, she teamed up with her daughter to help the business thrive. Through Handmade by Friendship Bridge®, she’s learned how to make high-quality products and gain access to new markets.
ESPAÑOL: Santos sólo tuvo la oportunidad de completar un año de educación formal antes de ponerse a trabajar. Junto con su abuela y sus hermanas, Santos fabricaba y vendía todo tipo de coloridos tejidos tradicionales. A los 18 años se casó con un hombre que resultó ser un maltratador. Después de ocho años, dejó a su esposo y regresó a casa, con ganas de desarrollar su negocio. Aprendió a tejer por sí misma con un telar de pie, tradicionalmente utilizado por los hombres. Aunque no sabe leer, escribir ni hablar español, se asoció con su hija para que el negocio prosperara. Gracias a Handmade by Friendship Bridge®, ha aprendido a fabricar productos de alta calidad y a acceder a nuevos mercados.