Master Weavers Collection
Our Master Weavers Collection is the newest and the most exclusive huipil collection at Handmade by Friendship Bridge®. This unique collection was inspired and created by Friendship Bridge clients and funded by our supporter Elizabeth Toguchi from California. Mrs. Toguchi has supported Handmade by Friendship Bridge® since 2017 through donations and wholesale orders. Through her generous support Betty, as we fondly call her, has helped Handmade by Friendship Bridge® to improve our inventory and production processes, and has impacted all the artisan participants.
A huipil is a blouse that represents a key part of the traditional clothing of Guatemala. It is integral to indigenous identity and a source of pride. Huipiles symbolize nature, history, and culture.
This collection features exclusive pieces of art, woven by our talented artisans located in different villages in Guatemala. Our artisan clients worked with different intricate techniques following the ancestors' design which represents each scenic place in Guatemala and its history. Quiche, Quetzaltenango, Sololá, Huehuetenango, Chimaltenango, Cobán, and Mazatenango are locations where Friendship Bridge has branch offices, and we chose to represent these locations, among others, in this collection.