The repeated brocade symbol across this huipil represents trees. The climate and soil conditions of Alta Verapaz provide an ideal environment for the growth of native trees including the avocado, the mango, and the corn plant. Located in the northern part of Guatemala, Alta Verapaz is one of Guatemala’s departments that is known for its moist, rich soil and lush vegetation, thus it is one of the principal coffee growing areas of Guatemala, as well as home to 750 varieties of orchids. It is also home to a series of natural pools called “Semuc Champey”, a popular swimming attraction in the Cahabón River over which lies a natural limestone bridge.
The town’s name, Alta Verapaz, meaning “true peace,” stems from the principles of Christian conversion held by Dominican Friar Bartolomé de las Casas in 1537. Las Casas asserted that conversion to Christianity should be voluntary and based on knowledge and understanding of the faith and not by military action or force. The Governor of Guatemala agreed to sign a contract promising that if the method was successful, he would not establish any encomiendas in the area (a form of subjugation in which indigenous people were required to deliver set amounts of products they produced, similar to slavery).
*Please note: this is a pre-order. Alta Verapaz Huipil will be delivered in 2 months after confirming your order.
Handmade in Alta Verapaz, Cobán by Valerin.
Measurements: 32.5" W x 17.5" H.
Material: 100% cotton.

ENGLISH: Valerin, an indigenous Maya Poqomchí young woman, lives in the department of Cobán, where Friendship Bridge recently opened a new branch office. Growing up, Valerin and her sisters worked alongside their single mother, who has a weaving business and sells prepared foods, in order to continue their education. Valerin recently graduated from high school and joined her mother’s business full-time. “I am fascinated with weaving textiles and combining colors because I can express my imagination in them,” Valerin says. “I use different figures that have to do with the flora and fauna of my community.” She hopes to someday rent spaces near the city center where she and her mother can open a textile store and operate their small restaurant.
ESPAÑOL: Valerin, una joven indígena maya poqomchí, vive en el departamento de Cobán, donde Puente de Amistad abrió recientemente una nueva sucursal. Mientras crecían, Valerin y sus hermanas trabajaban junto a su madre soltera, que tiene un negocio de tejidos y vende alimentos preparados, para poder continuar con su educación. Valerin se graduó recientemente en el instituto y se incorporó al negocio de su madre a tiempo completo. “Me fascina tejer tejidos y combinar colores porque puedo expresar mi imaginación en ellos”, dice Valerin. “Utilizo diferentes figuras que tienen que ver con la flora y la fauna de mi comunidad”. Espera poder alquilar algún día un espacio cerca del centro de la ciudad donde ella y su madre puedan abrir una tienda.